My Weary Soul Has Been Besieged...
My weary soul has been besieged
By the insanely strange sins lately.
She's like a hoary wife, it seemed,
Before her grooms, serene and stately.
In chambers she's to spin her yarn
And vail her eyes with stern abandon,
Just to control her passion blind,
To tame revolt of wild blood stranded.
But if the odds of winning waned,
With pride I would recall our sworn vow,
And in the banquet hall unnamed
I'd pick the poisoned cup to pour down.
And death will come to heed my call,
Like great Odysseus king heartless,
The screams of her grooms would befall
When ruthless arrows hit their targets.
By the insanely strange sins lately.
She's like a hoary wife, it seemed,
Before her grooms, serene and stately.
In chambers she's to spin her yarn
And vail her eyes with stern abandon,
Just to control her passion blind,
To tame revolt of wild blood stranded.
But if the odds of winning waned,
With pride I would recall our sworn vow,
And in the banquet hall unnamed
I'd pick the poisoned cup to pour down.
And death will come to heed my call,
Like great Odysseus king heartless,
The screams of her grooms would befall
When ruthless arrows hit their targets.
Перевод стихотворения Николая Гумилёва «Моя душа осаждена…» на английский язык.
Моя душа осаждена…
Моя душа осаждена
Безумно странными грехами,
Она — как древняя жена
Перед своими женихами.
Она должна в чертоге прясть,
Склоняя взоры всё суровей,
Чтоб победить глухую страсть,
Смирить мятежность буйной крови.
Но если бой неравен стал,
Я гордо вспомню клятву нашу
И, выйдя в пиршественный зал,
Возьму отравленную чашу.
И смерть придет ко мне на зов,
Как Одиссей, боец в Пергаме,
И будут вопли женихов
Под беспощадными стрелами.