- Язык:
Английский (English)
- Автор:
Бартон Раффел(Burton Raffel) , Алла Бураго(Alla Burago)
- Источник:
Selected works of Nikolai S. Gumilev
Land of quick cold,
of forests and heavy-backed mountains, where
rumpled waterfalls
roar like prophets of doom —
Sacred land, sacred forever,
do you still remember
when your grim-faced Varangians
went out across Europe to Greece?
Is it right ? Can it be right
that Oleg’s bronze shield,
having seen so much bloodshed, could be
abandoned at Constantinople’s golden gates?
Can your Russian sister, helped
by your hands to glory, to power, to triumph,
wilt her head, again,
in a torment of madness?
Can your fresh northern wind
have howled sweetly but emptily
in our ears ? Did your Rurik waste his years
in Russia, build his empire for nothing?
of forests and heavy-backed mountains, where
rumpled waterfalls
roar like prophets of doom —
Sacred land, sacred forever,
do you still remember
when your grim-faced Varangians
went out across Europe to Greece?
Is it right ? Can it be right
that Oleg’s bronze shield,
having seen so much bloodshed, could be
abandoned at Constantinople’s golden gates?
Can your Russian sister, helped
by your hands to glory, to power, to triumph,
wilt her head, again,
in a torment of madness?
Can your fresh northern wind
have howled sweetly but emptily
in our ears ? Did your Rurik waste his years
in Russia, build his empire for nothing?
Перевод стихотворения Николая Гумилёва «Швеция» на английский язык.
Страна живительной прохлады
Лесов и гор гудящих, где
Всклокоченные водопады
Ревут, как будто быть беде.
Для нас священная навеки
Страна, ты помнишь ли, скажи,
Тот день, как из Варягов в Греки
Пошли суровые мужи?
Ответь, ужели так и надо,
Чтоб был, свидетель злых обид,
У золотых ворот Царьграда
Забыт Олегов медный щит?
Чтобы в томительные бреды
Опять поникла, как вчера,
Для славы, силы и победы
Тобой подъятая сестра?
И неужель твой ветер свежий
Вотще нам в уши сладко выл,
К Руси славянской, печенежьей
Вотще твой Рюрик приходил?