- Язык:
Английский (English)
- Автор:
Бартон Раффел(Burton Raffel) , Алла Бураго(Alla Burago)
- Источник:
Selected works of Nikolai S. Gumilev
My words spawned giants,
and they sat guzzling wine
all night, crimson wine,
horrible wine.
I would not have known such weariness
had they been drinking my blood;
Dawn’s fingers were running across
my back when I fell asleep.
I woke when it was evening.
The swamps were breathing mist,
a heavy, uncomfortable breeze
blew warm from the southern gates.
And suddenly I felt an immense wound,
an intense sorrow that there had been a day
without me, a day that passed while I slept,
passed and was gone where it pleased...
If I could run where the light went, and catch it!
But I have no power
to rip up this sinister notebook,
my book of dark phantoms and visions of night.
and they sat guzzling wine
all night, crimson wine,
horrible wine.
I would not have known such weariness
had they been drinking my blood;
Dawn’s fingers were running across
my back when I fell asleep.
I woke when it was evening.
The swamps were breathing mist,
a heavy, uncomfortable breeze
blew warm from the southern gates.
And suddenly I felt an immense wound,
an intense sorrow that there had been a day
without me, a day that passed while I slept,
passed and was gone where it pleased...
If I could run where the light went, and catch it!
But I have no power
to rip up this sinister notebook,
my book of dark phantoms and visions of night.
Перевод стихотворения Николая Гумилёва «Творчество» на английский язык.
Моим рожденные словом,
Гиганты пили вино
Всю ночь, и было багровым,
И было страшным оно.
О, если б кровь мою пили,
Я меньше бы изнемог,
И пальцы зари бродили
По мне, когда я прилег.
Проснулся, когда был вечер.
Вставал туман от болот,
Тревожный и теплый ветер
Дышал из южных ворот.
И стало мне вдруг так больно,
Так жалко стало дня,
Своею дорогой вольной
Прошедшего без меня…
Умчаться б вдогонку свету!
Но я не в силах порвать
Мою зловещую эту
Ночных видений тетрадь.