- Язык:
Английский (English)
- Автор:
Бартон Раффел(Burton Raffel) , Алла Бураго(Alla Burago)
- Источник:
Selected works of Nikolai S. Gumilev
The Urchin
I'll walk along the tracks,
thinking, following
the thread of the running rails
across the yellow sky, the scarlet sky.
I'll go to the gloomy
station, shivering —
if the watchmen don't shout
and chase me off.
And later, determined to remember,
I'll think — again, again —
of the beautiful lady, and how she looked up,
quickly, as she got into the train.
Proud, distant:
Why should she care if I love her?
But when will I ever see
another lady with eyes so blue!
I'll tell my friend,
I'll tease him, a little,
when evening spreads smoke
across the meadow.
And with an ugly smile
he'll say, "You see?
You read all kinds of junk
and you start to talk like that."
thinking, following
the thread of the running rails
across the yellow sky, the scarlet sky.
I'll go to the gloomy
station, shivering —
if the watchmen don't shout
and chase me off.
And later, determined to remember,
I'll think — again, again —
of the beautiful lady, and how she looked up,
quickly, as she got into the train.
Proud, distant:
Why should she care if I love her?
But when will I ever see
another lady with eyes so blue!
I'll tell my friend,
I'll tease him, a little,
when evening spreads smoke
across the meadow.
And with an ugly smile
he'll say, "You see?
You read all kinds of junk
and you start to talk like that."
Перевод стихотворения Николая Гумилёва «Оборванец» на английский язык.
Я пойду по гулким шпалам,
Думать и следить
В небе желтом, в небе алом
Рельс бегущих нить.
В залы пасмурные станций
Забреду, дрожа,
Коль не сгонят оборванца
С криком сторожа.
А потом мечтой упрямой
Вспомню в сотый раз
Быстрый взгляд красивой дамы,
Севшей в первый класс.
Что ей, гордой и далекой,
Вся моя любовь?
Но такой голубоокой
Мне не видеть вновь!
Расскажу я тайну другу,
Подтруню над ним,
В теплый час, когда по лугу
Вечер стелет дым.
И с улыбкой безобразной
Он ответит: «Ишь!
Начитался дряни разной,
Вот и говоришь».